5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Home Office

improve your home office

The transition from working in the office to working from home can be a tough one. Do you find yourself feeling uninspired or unproductive lately? Maybe you are tired of working in front of a blank wall? Your surroundings can play a huge role in getting those creative juices flowing or simply getting yourself to be more efficient with your time. You can use this opportunity to spruce up your surroundings with some ascetically pleasing décor or some improved lighting. Here are 5 simple ways to improve your home office or help you create your ideal workspace.

1. Clean Desk

Let’s start with a simple one: a clean desk. A clean desk can in-turn help you stay organized and productive throughout the day. It may seem like a simple task but starting your day off with a clean desk can make a huge difference. You are starting your day with a clean slate from the day before with new tasks ahead along with a handful of new challenges. Try to remember at the end of each workday or the beginning of one to clear all that clutter. This could mean organizing your papers, supplies, or even your desktop clutter. I am sure most of you can relate to having a messy desktop on your work computer (we sure do!). Need more helpful cleaning tips for your home office or workspace? You can learn more through reading our blog post: Organizing Your Office Space.

2. Lighting

Let in some natural sunlight whenever you can. If you can set up your workspace near a big window in your home that is even better. It may help improve your mood and spirits throughout your workday. If that is not possible you might want to consider taking a stroll during your lunch break as this will allow you to soak up some of that natural sunlight. Try different types of lighting in your room and figure out what works best for you.

3. Upgrade Your Equipment

Upgrade your equipment according to what works best for you and your physical and mental health. This could mean anything from finding and purchasing an ergonomic desk chair or table to avoid back or wrist pain. If you are fortunate enough to get a second monitor in addition to your work laptop or computer, I would say do it! Think about how much easier achieving your daily work tasks could be when you are not trying to do everything on one screen. Trust me, you will notice a difference after you add that second monitor to your workday. How about your supplies? Is there anything that will help you be more productive throughout the day? Here is a list of desk supplies or equipment you could get for your workspace:

  • A whiteboard to jot down any quick notes
  • It is sometimes hard to keep track of the date these days. So why not get a desk calendar?
  • Need some extra space? A desktop bookshelf can help you organize your belongings

4. Plants & Pictures

Tired of blank walls or having no décor on your desk? Set up your workspace with any unique or aesthetically pleasing décor. It could be as simple as adding some colour or plants to your workspace. Maybe having a picture of your significant other, your kids, or the family pet will help you be more focused and productive throughout the day.

5. Get Rid of Any Excess Clutter

If you are struggling to find room in your 500 square foot condo to make space for your new workspace you may want to consider storing some of your belongings for the time being. You can use our mobile storage or self-storage solution to do exactly that. We understand that during this time of uncertainty you might be struggling to find space for your work, so we are here to help you with our storage solutions.

From all of us at XYZ Storage, we hope to help you make working from home a little less stressful. As a friendly reminder, we are still accepting any PPE donations at our facilities. If you want to learn more check out our blog post: Doing What We Can For Canada’s Healthcare Workers. We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.


published: 29 May 2020