All Canadian Self Storage partners with TRI

Toronto Recycling Inc (TRI) celebrates its partnership and cooperative project with All Canadian Self-Storage as TRI’s and Ontario’s first and currently only, Self Storage, Electronic Waste Collection Partner. Under the guidance and governance of the Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES), All Canadian Self Storage has qualified and in many cases exceeded the expectations and requirements of OES to collect Electronics from the general public. Being a Public Generator with the OES program requires diligence to Electronics Waste Security for the protection of contributors and their personal data, compliance to many needed requirements and due diligence to create a clean and safe environment for the collection of Waste Electronics.
Toronto Recycling Inc looks forward to a long and mutually prosperous relationship with All Canadian Self Storage. Our experience in this partnership has helped TRI to convey the importance of Electronic Waste Recycling to the general public through the Staff and Partners of All Canadian Self Storage. TRI is also encouraged by the efforts of All Canadian Self Storage to use the proceeds from this effort to fund many worthy charities and organizations.


published: 17 April 2013