Fall Cleaning Checklist

When was the last time you cleaned your garage, cleared out those gutters, or deep-cleaned your bathrooms? If you had to pause to think then it’s probably time to bring out that mop, gloves, and start this fall cleaning process. Fall cleaning is yet another opportunity to get started on cleaning the interior and exterior of your home. In September, we talked about organizing your closet for the fall season, but what about the rest of your home? This week, we tackle cleaning and organizing the rest of your house (inside and outside)! We at XYZ Storage want to help you make space for all the big things happening in your life this fall season. Here are fall cleaning checklist to help you do exactly that:
Patio Furniture
The weather is getting colder which means BBQ and patio season is over. If you haven’t already, think about storing away your patio furniture for the fall and winter months. Make sure you put furniture covers over everything so they will be ready to bring out for the next family get together in the summer of 2020!
Clean the Gutters
Fall is a beautiful season where leaves fall from the trees and change colours. However, it can leave you with quite a mess. Not only do you have to rake them and bag them every so often they also fall into your gutters! Grab your gloves and clean out those gutters. It’ll make the outside of your home much more presentable. Installing gutter guards will help prevent clogging.
Rake the Leaves
All the leaves that fall from the trees can be so much fun! Your children might be running outside to “help you” rake leaves just so they can jump into them. It’s really fun for the whole family! Sooner or later you’re going to have to clean the yard and bag those leaves to throw out.
Empty the Pool
Summer seems like it was yesterday! The time you spent chilling by the pool and reading a good book while getting a tan in your backyard has ended. With the weather falling under 10 degrees celsius, you might be thinking about draining out your pool and cleaning it. If you haven’t already, store away those instagramable floaties, pool noodles, and lawn chairs until next time. Don’t worry, you’ll make many poolside memories next summer!
Light Fixtures
You probably cannot remember the last time you touched those light fixtures by the garage or hanging on the front porch. Don’t forget to clean those and remember to dust your light fixtures inside the house.
Clean Out the Garage
Cleaning out the garage is probably one of those tasks that you have been dreading to do. It’s one of our least favourite things to do as well. Most of the times you have to clean out the garage because you have too much stuff that you’ve been collecting there. First empty out your garage and sort through everything. Think about everything you want to keep, donate, sell, throw away, or store. Once you figured that out, you can have a cute garage sale which can get the whole neighbourhood excited! If you need to store anything you have no room for in your house our XYZ Storage facilities are always an option.
Wash Your Windows
Cleaning the outside of your home can sometimes be just as important as how clean it is on the inside. When people come to your house the first thing they see is the exterior of your home. Spend some time hosing down all the windows of your home. Don’t forget to wash them on the inside too! It can help make your home much more presentable especially if you are planning to sell your home during the fall season.
Clean Sheets
Take all your bedding, pillow sheets, furniture sheets, blankets, and throw them in the wash in accordance to cleaning provided cleaning recommendations. This should be done every few months at least, however, if that is not the case for your household at least take the day to do this. You’ll have fresh smelling and clean bedding and blankets just in time for the winter season where you will spend a lot of time tucked into those warm blankets of yours.
Deep Clean the Kitchen and Bathrooms
When was the last time you deep cleaned your kitchen and bathrooms? Spend the day cleaning the kitchen whether it is emptying out your fridge and throwing away any expired foods or cleaning all that nasty grime on the kitchen stove. Grab your cleaning gloves and cleaning supplies and start scrubbing those toilets in all of your bathrooms.
This a word we at XYZ Storage like to throw around often because we think it is important to declutter your home, so that it can also help declutter your mind. To learn more about decluttering your home, read our blog post on how you can declutter your home for anytime of the year.
We at XYZ Storage want you to help you make space for everything that is happening this fall season, so if you find yourself needing any storage solutions always feel free to reach out to us or check out our self-storage locations. We would be happy to help you out. Happy Fall Cleaning to our storage community!