Happy Canada Day!

Canada day

Congratulations, you finally made it to the long weekend! With Canada Day on Monday, you get an extra day of family fun, delicious food, and the entire night sky lit with fireworks. If you are still deciding on what you want to do this weekend, we hope some of these ideas would help you figure that out.

The Classic Canada Day

A classic – watching beautiful fireworks light up the night sky. Toronto is a beautiful city filled with many fun activities and events happening all year around. This weekend you can look forward to seeing and hearing fireworks all over Downtown Toronto and the GTA, live free concerts, and the best Canadian treats. Find the closest event near you and join in on the Canada Day celebrations.

Friends and Family Adventures

Maybe the hustle and bustle of these Canada Day celebrations aren’t for you, but you are still looking to head out and enjoy the beautiful weather. Be spontaneous and grab a couple of friends or family for a road trip. Think about heading north for the weekend, how fun it would be driving on the highway with the sunroof open and enjoying those yummy snacks. Of course, you can’t forget about the music!

Relaxing Weekends

Now, these can actually turn out to be some of the best weekends. You have been working all week, so you might want a night-in for some precious me-time. You could put on some of your favourite movies or binge watch that new Netflix show everyone has been talking about. Maybe you could have a few friends over for a celebration of your own with a Canadian BBQ, some ice-cold Molson’s, and your attempt at a poutine.

This is your weekend and you can spend it however you want.

Happy Canada Day from all of us at XYZ Storage! We hope you have a memorable and relaxing long weekend! Reach out to us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and let us know what exciting adventures you were up to this weekend. We would love to hear from our XYZ Storage community members!


published: 28 June 2019