Ride for Heart 2010

This year ride was on Sunday, June 06, 2010. We were able to get 28 riders (27 in 2009). The weather was not co-operating, raining, windy and cold, 13C at 7:00AM. Despite the weather everybody showed up and rode their respective distance/route. We were able to raise $6,700 once again raising more money than the previous year.($5,000 in 2009)

Not only was our very own Paul Hornak the first person to cross the finish line of all the participants, he was also one of the very few that did the full 75kms.

We at All Canadian Self Storage are honoured and proud to support the Ride for Heart and look forward to raising even more money next year.

For pictures go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/corporatechallenge2010/


published: 6 July 2010