Rotary Club and Community Charities

Man standing in front of open car trunk at the Rotary Club of Scarborough Food Bank event

At the end of last year I became a member of The Rotary Club of Scarborough
( Each week we get together and have lunch, listen to guest speakers and help out our (scarborough) community as well too on a global level ie: Rotary is committed to ending Polio worldwide.
Since joining, All Canadian Self Storage and I have been able to do our part by donating funds so that Sports Equipment could get out to the Aboriginals in Northern Ontario and sponsering a student to participate in Camp Enterprise, a camp started over 35 years ago. (For more details visit: Also All Canadian Self Storage will be a proud sponser of the Scarborough Ribfest in August – one of the best and biggest in the GTA.Today I helped out with donating and bringing food and supplies to the St. Boniface Food Bank in Scarborough.They help and

over 100 families in the Markham and Kingston Road area; The Food Bank is in high demand from needy families in this local community and there are times when the shelves are nearly bare. Luckily with the generous support of the Rotary Club we were able to bring two car loads of supplies as well as cash donations so the Church could buy more vouchers and much needed items to help the community.
If you would like to donate to the St. Boniface Food Bank they are located at: 21 Markanna Drive Toronto, ON
(416) 261-9092
or you can drop off any donations to All Canadian Self Storage at 135 Beechgrove Drive, Scarborough, Ont. and we will be happy to deliver them to the food bank. Should you have any questions please feel free to call me personally at 416-208-0188.

Stacey Scher
Director of Business Development
All Canadian Self Storage
135 Beechgrove Drive


published: 8 May 2012