Student Guide to Ending the Term

Student Guide to ending the term

Essays, group assignments, exams, networking events, extra-curriculars, part-time or full-time job, and family events. With the end of the semester fast-approaching, being a student in College or University you already have enough on your plate. You do not even want to begin thinking about how you are going to bring all your belongings back home for winter break. We are here to help you with the perfect solution to storing your belongings during the holiday season and give you a few key pointers to help you during the exam season. 

Quick Study Tips

Here are a few quick study tips to get you through the last few weeks before the holidays:

1)     Schedule, schedule, schedule

One way to make it easier for yourself is to write down everything you need to get done for each of your courses and break it down to how much time you need to study each chapter, lecture, or concept. You can plan and schedule how you will study it all accordingly. Take advantage of your smartphone and laptop and all its features to keep you organized this exam season. For example, when the professor gives you the breakdown for the exam, write it down in the notes section of your smartphone or when you find out the date of your economics exam add it to your calendar. However, if you still prefer the “old school” method grab a pen and paper and write it down, so you do not forget to submit an assignment or miss an exam. You also want to ensure that you have the time and capacity to study everything you need to before that brutal exam.

2)     Sleep, Water, and Nutritious Foods are Your Friends

Our brains need to be powered with sleep, water, and nutritious foods. It is an extremely stressful time for students. Sometimes we forget to take care of our bodies. In order to be able to meet what is expected of you and to reach your goals it is important to take part in self-care. Try to avoid pulling all nighters and get a full night of sleep which is recommended for young adults to be 7-9 hours. Studying all day can be exhausting so if you are feeling tired throughout the day take a quick 20 to 30 minute nap to help you re-energize. Are you an avid coffee drinker? If so, remember to hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water as coffee actually dehydrates your body. When you are thinking about grabbing that quick chocolate bar on your way to your exam it might be better to grab that bowl of fruit instead. If you must grab that chocolate bar, dark chocolate may be the better option. There are also plenty of other healthier alternatives to power your brain. For instance, if you need a boost in your diet try probiotic granolas and smoothies to get your brain working. Did you know that adding essential oils in your drinks can help you with anxiety during this stressful exam season? Tea tree oil and peppermint can be infused into your water to improve your overall well-being. To read the full list and learn more check out: foods and diets recommended by dietitians and improve your diet this exam season.

3)     Balance and Mental Health

Yes, exams are very important, but so is your mental health. If you are feeling overwhelmed and tired take a moment to yourself. You should not be compromising your mental health or overworking yourself to the point where you are feeling completely exhausted. Find time in your day to exercise for thirty minutes, meditate for five minutes before you start your day, or watch one episode of your favourite show to unwind. Do not worry, you can get back to studying afterwards.

What to do with your belongings?

Are you planning on moving out at the end of this semester? Whether you are planning to move back with your parents after graduation or moving elsewhere for a work term, there is a lot of planning and decisions that need to be made. Make sure you have a vehicle to lug back your belongings from your apartment or dorm room. If not, you can always grab a few friends and rent one! It may also be helpful to purchase some moving supplies such as boxes if you do not have them already.

However, if you are not in a rush to lug all your belongings back from school but need a place to store your belongings during the winter break you can store them at a self-storage facility. Storage can be a convenient and easy solution for students. You can store your belongings for the month you are away and once the next semester rolls around everything will be ready for you to take out.

That is what we do at XYZ Storage, we help students store their apartment and dorm room belongings at our self-storage facilities, so you do not have to worry about lugging all of it back home. We rather have you worry about getting high grades or picking out that perfect Christmas gift for your friends and family. From all of us at XYZ Storage we wish you all the best with the end of your semester!


published: 13 December 2019