Summer Time with All Canadian Self-Storage

As the summer days are passing by, what have you been looking forward to this summer? It may be hanging out with friends and family or traveling the world; but, whatever it is the summer time is for everyone to enjoy the hot sun and do/finish everything that was written on the bucket list a couple months ago.

For self-storage this is the time where customers are lining out the door to get the best size unit for all the extra “stuff” lying around the house. Whether it is to store those winter tires over the summer or to store those bulky winter clothes to make room for your summer wardrobe, All Canadian Self-Storage has the unit for you!

Our All Canadian Self-Storage employees love the summer time because this means we can work on our “curb” appeal. Many of our locations have either a flower or vegetable garden right outside their office door. To be specific, our Laird facility has many different types of vegetables and herbs growing in garden. Employees and customers are beyond impressed of Hal Spradling’s work on his beautiful garden, it is always an amazing feeling when you see a ripe vegetable and pick it out of the ground. Talk about fresh products! Many of Hal’s famous dishes have ingredients right out of his famous garden!

Let’s not forget about our other facilities with their beautiful flower gardens growing very well this spring. When visiting these facilities ask one of our Customer Service Representative to show you the amazing gardens we have growing. Summer time is for checking things off your bucket list, if its de-cluttering your home or turning your front yard into a piece of art, summer is the time to finish everything you “tried” to start in the spring.

So, go out and feel accomplished! Our self-storage employees are waiting to hear your summer stories!







published: 21 July 2014