Tips for Students for the New School Year

Asian student studying in library

Summer has come to an end, and the back-to-school season has officially kicked off! Whether you start the new school year off on the right foot or not can sometimes be the make or break difference for having a great school season. The definition of normal has changed a lot over the past year and that is especially true for students having to attend classes whether through a screen or in-person. Here are some tips we have for undergraduate students who have started classes this fall term, whether they are in their first year or finishing off their final year. 

Establish a Routine That Works for You

To help yourself get into the groove of things for the new school year, figure out a routine that works for you. A set routine can help you be productive, intentional about your day, and help you reach your goals. You first need to decide what you want your routine to look like or consist of. For example, if you are trying to decide on what your morning routine should be, first think about what you want to accomplish first thing in the morning. This could be “I want to work out more”; “I need to review my lecture slides before class”; or “I want to eat healthier”. With keeping your goals in mind, you could try waking up an hour earlier every day before class to work out, make a healthy breakfast, and eat while reviewing class material.

Take Breaks

School can be extremely overwhelming for a lot of students and adding the stress of everything that comes with dealing with a global pandemic can take a huge toll on students. Remember, your mental and physical health is more important than passing that chemistry exam. When needed, take some time to unwind, relax, and take a breather from studying or writing that 5,000-word essay. Ask yourself what your definition of relaxing is and figure out what you can do to help yourself unwind when feeling stressed. It could be going on a nice long walk in the morning, reading your favourite book, watching a movie, or even taking a hot bath.

Good Workspace

A good workspace that works for you based on what you are using it for is so important. You want to make sure that you have a good workspace that is comfortable, free of distractions, and one that fits your needs. For example, if you have lower or upper back pain, having an ergonomic chair is definitely worth the investment especially, if you are sitting for most of your day. Perhaps it might even be worth it to invest in a standing desk to help improve your posture.


At XYZ Storage, we are here to; help students who struggle with finding space for all of their belongings. Whether you moved into a dorm or apartment and realized you do not have space to fit all of your stuff, self-storage can be extremely helpful. We would be more than happy to help you store your belongings at one of our self-storage facilities.

From all of us at XYZ Storage, we wish you the best of luck this school year!

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published: 18 September 2021