7 Packing and Moving Tips

moving tips

Your home has that sign staked in your front yard that says, “For Sale” or maybe you have that “SOLD” sign plastered right on the top. There are a lot of mixed emotions when it comes to moving whether your excited to move on to newer things, stressed about the move, or upset that you have to leave in the first place. It now becomes a time crunch to get your belongings packed and out of there. It is important to still be prepared to move out of your current home into your new home.

1. Remember important dates

Write down all the important dates when it comes to the whole moving process. You don’t want to forget what day and time the movers are coming. Or what if you cannot remember the day you get the keys to your new home and cannot coordinate your move properly? Trust me, you’ll thank your calendar later.

2. One room at a time

When you get to the point where you’re starting to pack your belongings in moving boxes start with one room at a time. Can you imagine finding your kitchen utensils mixed with your bedsheets because you didn’t have enough time to pack properly? Make sure you label your boxes as well! Not only will this help with staying organized when packing, but this will make the unpacking process a whole lot easier. This will help you distinguish which boxes should be unpacked to go in the living room, kitchen, master bedroom, or dining room.

3. Pack what you need first, last

This is a simple trick, but probably the most convenient. Pack the belongings that you require last so that when you unpack, they will be first. This will save you the trouble of digging through all your boxes finding all the things you DON’T need on top.

4. Moving Supplies and Truck Rental

An important thing to consider is moving supplies whether you need two boxes or over twenty boxes. Don’t forget markers to label your boxes and tape to seal them up! As a reminder, we at XYZ Storage believe in being your one-stop-shop during this whole packing and moving process. We sell moving supplies for you to purchase!

Can’t fit all your belongings in your car or can’t move all your belongings by yourself? You should look into renting a truck and hiring professional movers. You could rent a truck with us as well.

5. Host a moving party

Ask around and see if your friends or family would like to help you move your belongings to your new home. You could also offer up free food and drinks! Who doesn’t love free food? This can help you save money on paying movers per minute or hour! Plus, it’s a great way to spend time with your loved ones.

6. Only bring what you need

Don’t pack everything, if you don’t need it anymore. Why spend the money moving belongings that you no longer need? Take this opportunity to declutter your life and only bring what you need/want to your new home. This will allow you to purchase new belongings to fill that new beautiful home of yours.

7. Storage

As you’re packing if you find anything that you don’t want to throw out or bring to your new home, consider storing it. Storage can be a great option to store your belongings. For example, if you don’t get the keys to your new home for another month after leaving your old home then storage can be useful. XYZ Storage has several locations in Toronto and the GTA. Find the location closest to you and start storing with us today: https://dev1.xyz.pop.ca/storage-locations/. We have units that come in a variety of different sizes to store all your belongings. Let our XYZ Storage team know what you’re looking for and we can create the ideal storage solution for you.


published: 26 July 2019