Do you prorate rent?

No Notice Periods and Affordable Rates

Prorating Your Rent

At XYZ Storage, we prorate your rent for your move-in and move-out. Our prices are based on monthly rental periods, so if you move in mid-month we only charge you for the days left in that month. For example, if you move in on the 8th of the month, we’ll only charge you from the 8th to the 30th. The process is the same for when you move out. If you move out in the middle of the month, you will be given a refund for the days you did not use.

No Notice Periods

With XYZ Storage, you don’t have to worry about giving a notice period when you move out. You can move out and tell us the exact same day and we’ll work with you to process your refund. A lot of storage companies will charge you for the full month or more if you don’t give a sufficient notice period.

Affordable Rates

At XYZ Storage, we make sure that you get the best value for your money. Our rates are affordable and we make sure that you don’t pay more than you need to.