How to Do a Massive Garage Cleanout

Want to check-off cleaning the garage off your to-do list? Maybe you want to finally be able to fit your car in the garage. Your garage is a place where you store your old furniture, sports equipment, tools, patio furniture, holiday décor, or old photo albums. Now is the perfect opportunity to not only organize and declutter the inside of your house but the outside too! We are here to help guide you through it with these five simple steps.
Step One: Empty Your Garage
Depending on how long you have been letting all of the stuff accumulate in your garage you may or may not know everything that is in it. It is about time to find out. Take out everything that is in your garage so you have a much better understanding of what you own and what you actually want to keep. Have enough room to keep everything on your driveway in the meantime? Perfect! However, if you have more junk than space on your driveway then split your garage into sections and tackle one section at a time. Need to store your belongings in storage while you organize your garage? Our mobile storage solution is ideal as we deliver you a storage container while you load it and we pick it up and store it for you. All you have to do is call us and let us know when you want it back.
Step Two: Organize Your Garage
You should be asking yourself “am I keeping this, throwing it away, donating it, or does it need to go into storage?” Whether that is your childhood bike you want to keep for your children’s children or those Christmas ornaments that have way too much sentimental value. Have boxes and bags in handy just in case you decide to throw anything away or giving it to good-will. You might as well make the best of this time and properly determine whether these are belongings you actually need or consider “junk”. Remember, your junk could be someone else’s treasure!
Step Three: Clean Your Garage
How long has it been since you cleaned the floor of your garage? How about the walls or even your garage door? Spend the extra effort to mop the floors using hot water or grab some gloves and a sponge to get the job done. Spray down the garage door with your water hose to get that cleaned up. You can also get rid of all the dust and spider webs hanging from the ceiling while you are at it.
Step Four: Put Everything Back
Once you have established which of your belongings you are choosing to keep now is the time to put it all back. This time in a much more organized fashion. Before you do so, it is best to draft a floor plan of how you plan on using the space. Here are some ways to organize your belongings:
- Make use of the wall space – use racks, hooks, or shelves. Want to test your DIY skills or need a new design project? This is your chance.
- Stack boxes or containers on top of one another – use clear boxes with labels which will make it much easier to figure out where each of your things are
Step Five: Make it Your Own
With all this extra space, use your imagination and turn your garage into whatever you want. You can make it the home gym you always dreamed of, a place to fix an old car, or simply an organized garage. You did the work, so you can use your DIY skills to make it your dream space. Do not have enough space to do exactly that? Think about using mobile storage or self-storage to store your extra belongings. This way you can make space for the things you want. We at XYZ Storage understand that your life keeps on getting bigger and we want to help you do that.
Happen to find any PPE equipment lying around in your garage? You can drop off any PPE equipment including gloves and masks at our socially distanced PPE collection drive at our self-storage facility at 459 Eastern Avenue in Toronto every Saturday. For more information, check out: Doing What We Can For Canada’s Healthcare Workers. We will make sure that your donation goes to the frontline healthcare workers to help them fight against COVID-19. We thank you for your donation in advance. From all of us at XYZ Storage, we hope you are staying safe and healthy!