Organizing Your Closet for the Winter Season

Without a doubt, one of the best parts about winter has to be getting to wear your comfy sweaters, long socks, and warm scarves! We have already gotten a glimpse of the cold winter months to come with the snow and cold weather we have been getting lately. You know what that means – time to bring out all of your winter clothes! We at XYZ Storage have a quick step-by-step process to help you get ready for winter, even if you are likely spending it at home (at least you’ll be comfy)!
1. Declutter: Keep, Store, or Donate
Keep: This is the perfect opportunity to go through all of your clothing items and decide if this is something you want to keep in your life. Once you have decided you want to keep a specific clothing item then, pack it away nicely in your drawer or hang it in your closet. Go through this process with all of your clothing items.
Store: Maybe you have an extra closet to store your spring, summer, and fall clothes. If so, then that is beneficial for you as you can store them in the comfort of your own home until next year. However, if you live in a small house, condo, or apartment that lacks this luxury, consider storing your clothes at a self-storage facility. At XYZ Storage, that is what we do! We help you store any of your belongings that you do not have space for including your seasonal clothing. This will in-turn save you the trouble of stuffing your clothes in your tiny front hall closet or under the bed where there is barely any room.
Donate: When considering whether to throw something out or not, if the clothing item is still wearable and can be put to good use think about donating it instead of throwing it out. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and donating your clothes can help put a smile on someone’s face. Remember, your junk could be someone else’s treasure.
2. Wash Before Storing
For all of the items, you decided to keep, make sure you wash them before you store or put them away. This is especially true for all of the spring, summer, and fall clothing items you still have laying in your drawers or closets. You do not want to be storing clothes that are not clean. It is good practice to remove any dirt, stains, or dust that may be latched onto your clothing. When you bring out your clothing from storage next year – it will be fresher smelling, and clean.
3. Bringing Out Your Winter Clothes
If you have stored away your winter clothes in a self-storage unit or simply in another room in your home – bring it out! It is never a bad idea to give your winter clothes that you have been storing for a while a wash and dry. Now you can fill your drawers and closet(s) with all of your winter clothing items. You can organize them by colour and/or type of clothing. This is your opportunity to get yourself organized for the winter season to come and you can decide what way works best for you.
Remember, if you need any packing or moving supplies, we have them at our self-storage facilities for you to purchase. As always, we are here to help you with all of your storage and packing needs so feel free to stop by! We at XYZ Storage wish you the best of luck with organizing and preparing your winter closet!