Our Top 5 Favourite Fall Activities

Goodbye summer, hello fall! Pumpkin spice lattes, apple pies, leaves changing colours, and crisp weather is parts of what make up the fall season. The fall season is here and with Thanksgiving being this weekend, and Halloween just around the corner you may be looking forward to all the fall-related activities you can do. We at XYZ Storage have a list of activities you could be spending your upcoming weeks enjoying whether it is by yourself, with friends, or with your family.

1. Apple and Pumpkin Picking

Want to get out of the house for the day? One of the best ways to spend a fall weekend is to go apple or pumpkin picking with your friends and family. Ditch the grocery store pumpkins and go pick your favourite one (or several) from a field of pumpkins! Don’t plan on picking bags of apples or a pumpkin to bring home? You can always purchase a fresh apple or pumpkin pie to take home with you for dessert or for your family’s Thanksgiving plans. There are plenty in the Toronto and Greater Toronto area so you can find the one closest to you and enjoy it.

2. Fall Cleaning

Who doesn’t love fall cleaning? Have your family all join in on the fall cleaning fun! Here are some of the items you can add and check off your list:

  • With the weather getting colder, your patio furniture might need to start getting cleaned, wiped down, and put away until next summer
  • Clean your gutters – the leaves are pretty, however, they can leave quite a mess for you to deal with
  • Wash all of your windows (inside and outside of your house)
  • Clean all of your bed sheets, pillowcases, blankets, etc.

Interested in learning more about fall cleaning? Check out our past blog post Fall Cleaning Checklist.

3. Outdoor Time

With the colours of the leaves changing and the weather getting cooler it can be a wonderful time to enjoy nature and go for a beautiful walk. Hiking can be an enjoyable activity for you and your loved ones to spend some quality time together. Check out the nearest hiking trail near you and go on a 20 min walk or a three-hour hike! 

4. Delicious Fall Treats

Bake some of your favourite fall treats with your loved ones! Pick your favourite filling and make a delicious pie for your Thanksgiving feast this upcoming weekend. How about two dozen muffins for the family picnic? Whatever you decide to bake it is a wonderful activity to spend doing with your kids, parents, or significant other. Quality time and delicious fall treats to enjoy? Sounds like a win-win to us!

5. Check on Your Storage Unit

Stop by your storage unit! Planned on visiting to organize or clean your unit, but haven’t had the chance to? Please stop by and say hello! We would be more than happy to see you. Do not have a storage unit with us, but looking to rent one? Please check out our customizable storage solutions online or at one of our many self-storage facilities located in the Toronto area. Our XYZ Storage locations are conveniently located on the West end, Scarborough, Etobicoke, Downtown, or Midtown

We at XYZ Storage hope you enjoy this fall season and wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving!


published: 8 October 2021