Tips for Storing Your Camping Gear

With summer quickly approaching the end and back-to-school season coming up, you may find yourself trying to squeeze in as many summer activities as possible. A popular summer activity that many people enjoy with their significant other, friends, or family is camping in the great outdoors. Camping is an activity that requires a lot of equipment and with having a lot of equipment one has to worry about where and how to store it all during off-seasons. We at XYZ Storage have come up with some tips and tricks for how to store your camping gear during the fall and winter months.
Cool and Dry Location
Camping is all fun and games until you have to figure out where to store your tent, camping chairs, coolers, bulky sleeping bags, and/or air mattresses. When it comes to storing your camping gear it is important to store it in a cool and dry place whether that is the basement, garage, or possibly a self-storage unit! Self-storage can be a great option for those of you that are looking to store your belongings in a dry and cool spot.
Bins and Storage Containers
One of the best ways to store away your camping gear is to store everything in see-through storage bins and containers because it gives you the ability to see what is stored away without having to open anything up. You want to make sure that the containers you are using to store your camping gear are sturdy enough to hold it all. This is especially important if you plan on moving them around or to a storage unit.
Stay Organized
Before storing away your camping gear for next year it is always helpful to declutter and see what is worn out and cannot be kept for another camping season. This will help you save space and time from having to go through the extra work to store extra clutter. Once you do that you can go ahead and organize your camping gear by category. For instance, keeping your camping gear organized using the following categories:
- Cooking necessities
- Sleeping gear
- Tools/miscellaneous items
This way if you ever need something in the meantime it might be a whole lot easier to find as opposed to lumping everything together.
We at XYZ Storage Can Help!
Lucky for you – our self-storage facilities are climate controlled and provide a safe and secure environment for your belongings. Our expertise is in all things storage including seasonal storage for all of your camping gear. We at XYZ Storage would be more than happy to help you out! From all of us at XYZ Storage, happy camping and we look forward to helping you store all of your camping gear once you’re done!