XYZ Storage’s Ultimate Guide: Decluttering Your Mind

Stress, stress, and more stress! A word that you hear being thrown around quite often in your daily life whether you are at work, school, or even at home. Your mind is cluttered with all the things you need to accomplish throughout the day, week, and month and on top of that all the distractions happening around you. Last week, we helped you declutter your home and this week we are here to help you declutter your mind with these three simple tips.
Just breathe
Breathing is a simple act that we do every day without consciously thinking about it. There are times where we are constantly on the go and forget to breathe. Take a deep breath in and out to remember that you are only human, and it is okay to take a moment from your day to relax. If you ever have a few extra minutes in the morning or right before bed, consider meditating. Meditation can help your mind and body feel more relaxed and allows you to release all that tension you have been feeling.
Get your heart rate up
Breathing is a good step to take for a quick solution. However, if you are constantly feeling stressed in your daily life, exercise is essential and one of the most beneficial solutions. There are plenty of ways you can get your heart rate going and it can even be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Let yourself build these small habits and it can make a huge difference in your mental health. You can also add “go to the gym” to your busy schedule to destress from your work or personal life. If you lose the motivation to go to the gym, then call up a friend who might benefit from exercise as much as you do.
Write down your thoughts
Your mind is constantly on the go and sometimes you can’t remember everything. Write down your to-do lists, how you’re feeling, and anything else on your mind. This can help you relieve some of that stress your body and mind are feeling by putting pen to paper.
Remember, the acronym “BEW” – breathe, exercise, and write! Don’t forget that decluttering your home can, in fact, help declutter your mind. When your home is not cluttered, it is one less thing on your mind that you need to worry about! Looking to declutter your home? Check out our last blog post here: